Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bathroom update

Here is a quick update about the remodeling of my bathroom. It was a horribly ugly mess, but it is coming together quite nicely already. So far we have taken out the old sink, fixed the toilet, started painting the walls, cleaned things, and painted the doors white from chocolate brown. You can check out the original state of the bathroom here Tale of an ugly bathroom.

I am pretty excited to see things shape up so quickly! As I posted last, the toilet no longer spews water everywhere when flushing! The racks came off the walls and the holes have been filled. Behind the toilet is painted the lightest shade of gray possible, and the color is growing on me! And the most exciting part is that the stupid, ugly truck stop sink was taken off the wall along with the dumb splash guard that was around it!

The walls still need to be sanded down and painted to cover the orange-red sponge painting that was going on. We are also eventually putting stick down tile over the orange-red painted concrete that is the bathroom floor right now. It is really exciting to be able to hand pick all of the things that will surround me for however long I end up living there. I hope that when I buy my own home sometime in the future that it will need a little love so I can put my own unique touches into it too.

The vanity that we bought was just plain white with a white counter top and sink and silver handles. I am in the process of painting the cabinet part a charcoal gray. I am always guilty of forgetting to take pictures of the before, so I will take as many pictures of the process as possible. I apologize for the lack of quality before and afters, it is something I am working on!

The other day I was painting the door in the bathroom white, and I wasn't worrying too much about getting paint on the floor because it is going to be covered up. My niece was sitting on the floor next to me chatting and noticed that one of my paint splatters had made an "M". She thought it was so cool that her initial was on the floor and told me I wasn't allowed to paint over it! She gave me a great idea. Before we put the tile down I want to take sharpies or paint and write all over the concrete so it will be a memory hidden under the floor that no one will know about. I heard about a church that was redoing the flooring and asked all the members to come with markers and write the names of people that they were committing to pray for to come to know Jesus. I think that is so cool! Years later, a different church bought the building and during the remodeling process found all the names written on the floor. I want to do that too so some day, when the next person buys the house and replaces the floor they will find names of people I am praying for, and Bible verses that speak to me, and fun memories from the previous owner! You never know what could come of that! I will be sure to take pictures and update you all on that project when it happens!

What would you want to write under the floors in your home as a time capsule of sorts?

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