Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kitchen chairs

I love the idea of mismatched kitchen chairs! There will be little uniformity in my home.

mismatched chairs


I just think mismatched chairs make this party space so cozy and fun!

I first became obsessed with the idea of having kitchen chairs that look as different as possible when I was a young girl waching FRIENDS with my sister. The chairs in Monica's apartment were all different sizes styles and colors. At first I didn't understand because my parents' house is all about uniformity in size style and color {right down to the matching wood... not my style at all}, but now that I am older, wiser, and much more style conscious, I love the idea.

Last summer I found a wooden chair that has a really unique styled back and legs with sunshine yellow paint chipping and it was the only one left at a rummage sale. After making sure the legs were sturdy and it wasn't missing any pieces, I scored it for $10! I painted it back to its original yellow glory and it is currently in my bedroom. When I get a house of my own it will serve as the beginning of a collection of random kitchen chairs and a {hopefully} equally as random kitchen table! {Just hoping that whoever I marry has the same good taste, or enough sense to keep his mouth shut and just nod and smile!}

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