Monday, July 30, 2012

Moving? Packing? What to do.

This is a perfect time for you to clean out your dressers, closets, and storage.

You know how it goes. You fall in love with a new place, whether it be a house, apartment, condo, or what have you, and you get a move in date. And then what? You have to pack. But you don't want to pack up those things that you have stuffed in the farthest corner of your closet and haven't looked at in years. Do you really want to haul all of that crap over to your new place just to stuff it into the back of a new closet and forget about it, do you? It's a lot of work to move, so in order to save yourself some energy, it's usually best to wade through everything.

I am in the process of packing to move and it is not always rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes it is downright not fun at all! I am currently in the period where I have to clean out my childhood bedroom and get rid of things that have been stuffed in the back of my closets and drawers for 10+ years. And I am a shopper, so I have a lot of stuff that I have collected over the years!!

Last night I pulled clothes out of one section of my dresser and began sorting into 3 piles; KEEP, DONATE, and TRASH.

I find that it is hard to part with things at first, so I generally go through all the clothes in the KEEP pile at least twice, because on the second look I can be more critical and less emotionally attached to the items. I also try on everything in the keep pile so I am less likely to keep things that don't fit me right any more.

I also always DONATE any clothes that aren't ripped or stained. My church has a clothing closet where they give away clothes and accessories to people in the community that can't afford a lot. {I also donate all of my formal dresses because they can get expensive for girls going to homecoming or prom.} They also take shoes, accessories, and even household items. You never know what people will need and I am glad that my church finds serving the community so important!

The TRASH pile gets anything that has holes, stains or any other issues that would prevent anyone from wanting them. It also gets anything that people don't generally want second hand, like under clothes and socks, shoes that are old and dirty looking, etc.

1 comment:

  1. ‘Keep, Donate, and Trash.’ I find this motto really inspiring, especially since it’s really hard for me to donate stuff that I own. But you did great, Ashley! Next time, let some friends help you with the packing. It’s fun and fast! Your approach was admirable in itself though. ;) Having to pack things is also like a time of get-together with stuff you almost forgot was yours! :D
