Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas season DIY ideas

Sorry I haven't been posting lately! I'm getting pretty excited for the Christmas season, which is weird for me since I'm usually a scrooge until the week before the big day! But I wanted to share a few DIY ideas from pinterest that I am planning on trying out with my niece and nephew before the holiday. Have you tried any of these yet? I would love to see how they all turn out in real life. But I will let you know when I have tried them on my own.

This is a great idea! Get a plain ornament and use a sharpie to write some favorite memories from that year. I would also put the year on the bottom and probably do 2 separate bulbs for the kiddos.

This is super simple! Spray paint a canvas a nice holiday green color. Then use red and white paint and make fingerprint candy canes and glue a big bow onto the front of the canvas.

Take wax paper and draw with plain elmer's glue. Once the glue dries it peels off the wax paper and you can use them to decorate a variety of ways. You can also decorate them while they are wet and make faces or whatever!

This is the simplest thing I have seen in a while that looks so elegant! Take some old wood and glue or nail it together. Then nail 5 nails into the wood and wrap a wide red ribbon around the nails to form a star.
This is a great way to display the Christmas cards that tend to clutter up the counters in our house. Use an old empty picture frame and wrap ribbon around and staple/glue/tape (whatever) it to the frame. Then just hang the cards on the ribbons. The only issue is that the ones that open right to left instead of up and down wouldn't work too well on this.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Final reveal: Chalkboard paint coffee table

I finally finished the chalkboard coffee table!!! {Well actually, my dad finished painting it for me, mostly because he was sick of it taking up space in his pole barn. Though he'll say he was just trying to be helpful!!}

It turned out great! Better than I expected actually. Here are pictures of the finished project:

I think it will look great in my living room area, when that happens to come together eventually!
I put my feet on it the other day and it is the perfect height for me. I'm thrilled, as you can probably tell!

I also heard a tip that before writing on the chalkboard paint you should cover the entire area with chalk and wipe it off, that way whatever you write isn't ghosted on the paint forever! So I did that as well. Here is a picture of what I mean in case you can't get a visual:

I would love to see some pictures of any projects that you are doing with chalkboard paint! It is so popular right now, and for good reason!

Monday, August 27, 2012

My t-shirt upcycle scarf project

Do you have any old t-shirts that you loved once upon a time, but they don't fit anymore, have holes or stains in them, or just don't work in your wardrobe anymore? The color might be nice, but the shirt just doesn't work as a shirt anymore. I have a solution: make a fun scarf out of it. No sewing required, just some scissor skills! It's so easy that your kids could even do it.

Here is a photo tutorial of what to do:

Just a plain shirt that I  never wear anymore in a fun color

Cut the shirt across just under the arm holes. The line doesn't even have to be straight!

Make slits 1/2 to 2/3 of the way up from the bottom, leaving the fringe with a hem

Cut it all the way around. Precision is not necessary.

After cutting the fringe, pull gently on each to cause it to twist and slim down. Final product is a fun and unique scarf!
You could also use fabric paint to create a pattern on the scarf before you cut the fringe to make it even more personal.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Another t-shirt upcycle: The next project

I am generally in a constant state of planning and dreaming about what project I will tackle next. Because of this I sometimes have a hard time finishing projects because I can't wait to get to the next project! I just get too excited about DIY!! Here is the next thing I want to try.

It's a t-shirt scarf. I have a ton of old t-shirts hanging around that need a new life. Many of them I will never wear again, but they have such good memories attached to them. I have one particular teal shirt that may very well be the first victim in this project! I am also thinking about painting a pattern onto the shirt before I cut it up to make a fun patterned scarf.

I found this on Pinterest and thought it was a great idea:

Use an empty toilet paper roll and fabric paint to create a pattern.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chalkboard painted coffee table

Knowing my love of DIY projects, a coworker gave me an old coffee table that she didn't want anymore. I was pretty sure it could be fabulous with the right touch! I wanted something neutral that could go with my olive/hunter green couch and beige walls in my basement living room. I also wanted something kind of fun that the kids could enjoy as well.
I found myself standing in the spray paint aisle at Home Depot for a long time staring at the wall of colors in front of me. There weren't any "OMG! I have to have that color" moments. I ended up giving up and going with white. But the chalkboard paint caught my eye and then it was a magical moment!

I started out my sanding it down a bit. The top was pretty scratched up, so that got the most attention, but after that I just did a light scuffing to make the spray paint adhere better. Here are a few pictures to help you visualize what I'm talking about:

The top was pretty scratched up

My dad insisted I wear a mask, even though 2 huge garage doors were open to ventilate the barn. he didn't want me getting high. Always a good idea to be safe!

I love the lines of this coffee table!

Not too sure why my dad had this contraption in his barn, but it came in handy for this project!

The square on top that is still wood will be chalkboard paint next. Just waiting for the white to dry.

Friday, August 17, 2012

I finally have a dresser!

If you have been reading, you may know that I have been waiting on a dresser that was promised to me for free! I didn't want to push my luck by requesting the thing get there on my time table, so I have been patiently waiting as best I can! I figure I was living in a den out of a laundry basket for 5 months so I can do it for a little longer. Plus, now I have a closet to hang stuff at least!

I am happy to announce that the dresser arrived yesterday!! It is a bit smaller than I was expecting, but that is actually better for me.

Here are a couple pictures that I snapped yesterday. It will be painted {probably white} sometime soon I hope. I'll keep you posted on that too. But until then, here are the pictures:

I love the detail in the drawers! They have quatrefoils {the symbol of Phi Mu Fraternity which I am a sister} and it is such a unique touch! Those handles have to go as soon as possible though.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

duct tape kids craft

Last night my niece came home from grandma's house with a new craft project for us to do together! She told my mom that she wanted to do them with yaya (that's what she has called me since she was a baby!) because I'm crafty! Her craft came in a kit, but it would be simple to buy the pieces separately or use things you may already have and create your own little kit.

Here is what you would need:
~ plastic (or really any kind of) bangles. {These could be old wooden or plastic bangles that need an update or I'm sure they sell plain plastic bangles at craft stores}
~ funky duct tape {Any color or pattern that you want!}
~ scissors

You can either cover the whole bangle with tape or just make different patterns on top of the existing color. Wrapping the duct tape around the bangle is pretty simple. The only thing to pay attention to is that it makes it easier if you start at an angle and wrap by overlapping a bit. Not only does it make the tape bubble less, but it also helps to make sure the tape covers the whole bangle.

I took a few pictures of the process, but I will add more when we work on them again.

She's really excited!

So you can see some of the steps and ideas you can take from this project. It is really easy and great for kids. Plus, it really helps kids with fine motor skills. Teachers will like that!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

DIY jewelry holder ~ my take

I wrote a few weeks ago about my need for a jewelry solution in my bedroom. I needed it up out of the reach of my niece and nephew and DIY, cheap and unique. I looked online for inspiration and found some cute ideas, but none of them fit quite right for my space and needs. I was at Ikea a little while ago and found a necklace solution. I bought a simple white over the door coat hook, hung it on my closet door and hung all of my necklaces on it. They are out of reach of the kids and displayed so I can actually see all of them!

Then I continued to look for a way to display earrings, rings and bracelets. I like the look of the burlap picture frames, but you can't really hang those on the wall and still easily access all of your earrings. Then I saw a picture of an earring holder using a length of small chain and 2 pins and thought that was cute. I wanted to use materials that I already had if that was possible.

Then inspiration struck! I cut 2 strips of burlap that I already had along with one strip of lace that I had and only bought the silver thumb tacks. They were $1.99 at Michaels. I love the mixture of lace, burlap, and metal! Here are some pictures of the process:

I chose "Delight" because it comes from my favorite Bible verse at the moment. Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." That is something I'm clinging to at the moment!

And finally the bracelet and ring dilemma. Without a better solution at the moment I took a silver bowl that I bought a while back from Salvation Army and put it on my small table below the earrings and spread out my rings and bracelets and other miscellaneous things in it. For now it works and I am loving the way it all came together!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Friday!

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! It feels like it has been a long time coming this week. I wanted to pass along this little gem I came across and wish you a wonderful weekend!  See you all next week!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Message board picture frame diy

I saw this project on Pinterest and thought "I could totally do that! It looks super easy." And it turned out I was right! I made a small message board out of a picture frame and burlap. This project could be great for dorm room message boards or kids rooms or even in your home to leave cute little messages around the house for your family! I will probably use mine to write inspirational quotes or Bible verses on to give me little reminders or pick me ups throughout the day!

All you need is a picture frame of any size, some kind of fabric (it's best if the fabric is light colored and not too much going on so you can read what is written easily), scissors and some decorations if you choose.

JoAnn's picture frames were all 60% off so I snagged these frames for $3 each! Such a great find!

My supplies

This spray paint is so tiny and perfect when you just need a little paint. It's about $4

Easiest way to cut fabric to the right size, take the glass out and cut around it. Works every time!

I left just a bit of fabric on each side of the glass just to be sure

Here is the first one completed! I left it black but I'm planning on adding some fun decor around the edge of some sort.

The other frame I am planning on giving to a friend, so to match her decor I wanted to paint it a more rustic looking color, so I scuffed the frame up a bit to make the paint stick better and to make it even more rustic looking

Up close. Looking a little beat up

NOTE TO SELF: Put newspaper or something under the frame next time and save the cement from the paint! There is now a nice square painted onto the cement... oops!

Final product!

And again!

The flower I made from scraps of burlap and some random scraps of lace I found around the house and a button I had. I cut some rough flowers out of the burlap and a rough circle of lace and sewed them all together. Nothing too fancy, but I like it!
I hope you enjoy making things as much as I do! Are there any projects you have seen on Pinterest or other sites that you would like me to try out? I would love some inspiration!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Frosted glass diy project

Hey everyone! Sorry I'm a bit later than usual this morning. It has definitely been one of those days! I must have turned my alarm off in my sleep so I woke up late and was almost late for work... not good! And things have just been crazy already! I can't wait for 3 p.m.! I'm making a quick trip to Home Goods after work to check out the newest inventory and see if I can't find some inspiration while I'm there!

This weekend I started a new project and I can't wait to finish it and show off the finished thing! I wanted to share it with you now though because I think it is pretty cool!

I went to JoAnn's after work and they were having an awesome sale! I got all kinds of stuff for pretty cheap, which is definitely a bonus since I'm not rich! I got enough stuff for 3 separate projects for less than $30!

My room is in the basement and has a large window and one of those tiny basement windows. I put curtains that I had over the large window, but wasn't sure what I should do for the tiny window. I thought about putting fabric over it, but I want as much natural light to my room as possible. While I was at JoAnn's I found this nifty spray paint that makes glass into frosted glass. I cleaned the window and dried it like the can said and sprayed a few layers of "frosting" (hehe) onto the window and let it dry. It worked really well! No one can see in any more, but it still lets some light into the room.

I also picked up a couple smooth glass mason jars for $1.99 each. I wanted to make frosted glass jars for candles or to give as gifts or something. I taped off some stripes and figured I would give it a try. Here are some pics of the beginning process:

From there I sat the jar upside down outside and sprayed the frosting around the glass. It turned out pretty cool so far, but I want to add a few more striped of different sizes and then I will reveal the final result!