Hey everyone! Sorry I'm a bit later than usual this morning. It has definitely been one of those days! I must have turned my alarm off in my sleep so I woke up late and was almost late for work... not good! And things have just been crazy already! I can't wait for 3 p.m.! I'm making a quick trip to Home Goods after work to check out the newest inventory and see if I can't find some inspiration while I'm there!
This weekend I started a new project and I can't wait to finish it and show off the finished thing! I wanted to share it with you now though because I think it is pretty cool!
I went to JoAnn's after work and they were having an awesome sale! I got all kinds of stuff for pretty cheap, which is definitely a bonus since I'm not rich! I got enough stuff for 3 separate projects for less than $30!
My room is in the basement and has a large window and one of those tiny basement windows. I put curtains that I had over the large window, but wasn't sure what I should do for the tiny window. I thought about putting fabric over it, but I want as much natural light to my room as possible. While I was at JoAnn's I found this nifty spray paint that makes glass into frosted glass. I cleaned the window and dried it like the can said and sprayed a few layers of "frosting" (hehe) onto the window and let it dry. It worked really well! No one can see in any more, but it still lets some light into the room.
I also picked up a couple smooth glass mason jars for $1.99 each. I wanted to make frosted glass jars for candles or to give as gifts or something. I taped off some stripes and figured I would give it a try. Here are some pics of the beginning process:
From there I sat the jar upside down outside and sprayed the frosting around the glass. It turned out pretty cool so far, but I want to add a few more striped of different sizes and then I will reveal the final result!